The Traditions of the International Handbell Symposium

Over its 32-year history, the International Handbell Symposium has developed some wonderful and rich traditions.  These traditions are part of what makes this event so 20160729_093125special. From the flag procession of the opening ceremonies, to the pin & gift exchange, to the cultural experiences offered by each host country; attendees are provided with multiple opportunities to learn about each other and create amazing memories and new friendships.

On day 4 of this year’s Symposium we engaged in a favorite memory-creating tradition of
each Symposium – the Group Photo.  All participants join together for one giant group photo, memorializing the event for everyone. Each host handles the photo differently.  We’ve lined up on stadium steps, stood in the hot sun in open plazas, and had beautiful landscapes as a back drop.  This year, the planning committee used the space of the massed ringing floor for the setting.  A newer tradition that has become part of the group photo process, are all the selfies everyone takes with the group of people around them.  If you had Facebook friends in attendance, you probably saw a lot of these photos showing up in your news feed.

The IHS2016 Group Photo

The IHS2016 Group Photo

The rest of the day involved more rehearsals, mini-concerts and the final Showcase concert of the event.  Then attendees enjoyed a free evening in and around Vancouver.

Only 1 day left!